Come ✨ Step into this sacred garden with me. Birds are signing, signaling, “Here, it is safe.” The sun is warm and comforting. You’re surrounded by lemon balm—relief for your grief; mint—to soothe you; rosemary—to enliven you; lavender—to inspire you. The serene sound of a grotto is nearby. You, my love, are enveloped within the sweet hum of all that is good and fertile.
It’s my divine assignment, a pleasure, and a privilege to guide any and all who are called to know, experience, and engage with their fertility. As a Restorative Reproductive Medicine specialist, I give you the keys—keys that unlock great gates, ones that give you access to LIFE.
For the next twenty days, I am gifting twenty of you 15 minutes of one-on-one time to discuss and go deeper with one question—anything on your heart related to fertility, femininity, your form, and function.
This is a fundraiser for a cause to which I am deeply devoted. Donate any amount. Once you have, contact me to set up a time to talk. ✨
xo Dr. Amanda Ramirez, Doctor of Physical Therapy